Monday, February 6, 2017

Asian Auschwitz

                I believe that the United Stated government did not do the right thing. Unit 731 was doing very inhumane things and the United States did nothing to stop it. Yet they executed Nazis for crimes against humanity. It doesn’t make any sense that they would punish one group, but not the other. Unit 731 and the Nazis were doing similar things but I think that Unit 731 was even worse.
                Unit 731 was under the control of a man named Shiro Ishii. The Unit tortured their prisoners with medical experiments, but the person being experimented on was hardly ever under anesthetics because it was believed that anesthetics would change the outcome of the experiment. What they did to people was very inhumane and they seemed to not even care about what they had done and showed almost no remorse. I don’t understand how anyone could ever torture a human and not feel like they are doing something wrong or that it is inhumane.
                They called the prisoners “logs” because Unit 731 was supposed to be a lumber mill from the government’s point of view and to the general public. They did a plethora of experiments on their prisoners. A few experiments include the following: hanging the logs upside down and seeing how long it takes for them to choke to death, injecting horse urine into the log’s kidneys, cut off limbs to study blood loss, cut off limbs and then stitched them on to the opposite side, placing the logs into highly pressured rooms until their eyes popped out, and much more. As you can see, their medical experiments were not humane. The only thing they did humanely was feed them and keep them exercised.
                While reading the article, I found a few things quite interesting. I found it weird that when people were talking about what they did to the logs, they didn’t seem to feel bad or wish they could undo it. They talk about it as though it is normal. I wonder if any of them wish they could take it back. I also wonder if they felt bad at the time they were doing all of this or if they really thought it was okay to treat other humans so poorly. I could never imagine to be doing that to people, let alone be the person who is getting tortured and/or killed.
                I can’t believe that the United States government let them get away with killing so many people without punishment and yet put a stop to the Nazis. It really isn’t fair if you think about it. I mean yes, I am glad that they got rid of the Nazis, but they shouldn’t have let the Unit 731 people go. I also can’t believe that I had never known about this until today. Why don’t we learn about it history books? Why is this subject avoided?
                I think the reason the United States didn’t execute the Unit 731 people was because they wanted the biological findings for themselves. So instead of destroying the Unit and executing the people, they got the information for them so that the United States wouldn’t have to do any experimenting. Now as much as I don’t think that’s right, I do think it was smart. Besides the fact they let hundreds of criminals free to live luxurious lives.
                Overall, what Shiro did was definitely not humane and I do not agree with anything he did to those innocent people. The United States only let them go in order to gain more biological information for themselves. But it is unfair that the Nazis were convicted of crimes against humanity and Unit 731 was not. Let’s just hope that history doesn’t repeat itself.