Thursday, February 15, 2018


I believe that that statement is true. Our society does know how to kill a man subtler than death. We can kill someone just by getting into their minds and making them believe that they are not worth life. We can make people feel so bad about themselves that they eventually commit suicide. And this process can be a very slow and drawn out process. Of course, there are physical things we can do as well, such as neglecting children or other dependents. It would be very subtle, but it could eventually lead to death. But I think this statement was mainly leaning towards the emotional side of things. We can kill a person’s will to live, their enjoyment, their creativity, all without using death.

I definitely think that if our civilized self and our savage self can’t be separated, the savage side of will take over. The savage in anyone has one main goal, and that is to survive. Civilized people want what is best of the group, and usually not what is best for themselves, personally. But savage will win in this department because savage only cares about itself. A savage person will do what is the best for him/her self. Our savage side is just that, savage. It will always win, in almost every situation. I think that if you believe that your civilized self will take over, you need to rethink some people’s motives.

This is a difficult question. I can see the reasoning behind both of the options. I think that people are controlled by society. We all try to follow norms and fit in with other people. We don’t want to stick out because that causes attention to be pulled toward us. But yet we like attention. But only positive attention. Why is this? Because society has made it like that. We want to be like everyone else. I don’t expect this theory to ever change. We tell people to be themselves and stand up for what we want, but that rarely happens, because society shuts us down. We always say we are different, but are we, really?

·         The Lord of the Flies isn’t talking about a whole lot in particular. I think it’s more geared towards Simon’s inner thoughts.
        The LOTF is not mad about anything, honestly. It’s just making fun of Simon. The only thing it’s maybe mad about is that the boys thought they could kill it.
        Simon is the one hearing this because he’s delusional. He’s not thinking straight because he’s dehydrated and hungry. None of the other boys are physically and/or mentally delusional.
       Simon still has some of his own thoughts. His own thoughts are the angel, and his devil thoughts are from the LOTF. But really the LOTF thoughts is just his own really deep personal thoughts.

Monday, February 5, 2018


1.) 18-24 months
2.) 110,000
3.) Democratic Republic and Congo
4.) 39,000
5.) California, Texas, New York
6.) I didn't realize how many Asian Refugees there were. A lot of refugees were taken in 1980. We didn't take in very many last year.
7.) We take in a lot of Christians, at least more than I thought. Also, a lot of them are unaffiliated, which is also surprises me.
8.) I think it's because we've become more accepting of other cultures. And they're white.
9.) Yes, but not much. Bhutan.
10.) Wyoming doesn't have any refugees. There a lot of African refugees. There used to be a lot more Asian refugees.
11.) 50,000
12.) It has been dropping. But lately it has been slowly increasing.
13.) 1 in 100
14.) 6 in 10
15.) Norway and Switzerland

I think we do have a responsibility to take in refugees. But if we do take them in, we also have the responsibility to take care of them while they are here. America should feel obligated, but so should other first world countries.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bacha Bazi

I read the article about how grid girls are not going to be used anymore in Formula 1 races. Formula 1 racing has been using grid girls to stand in front of the cars before the race, and then they stand on the podium with the top three finishers after the race. Even though this has been a long-standing tradition in Formula 1, they have decided to stop doing this. They have realized that when they use grid girls it does not portray their brand values. They have also stated that it goes against society norms. Especially when it comes to the new sexual harassment movements. With these movements happening, it seemed like the right thing to do.

There are many shoes I can put myself into. If I were to put myself in the shoes of the racers, I would be a little confused as to why the grid girls stopped being there. I think after the situation was explained to me, I would understand. But I know that some of the racers will not see it that way and will probably angry with the decision. Through the eyes of the board who decided to make this change, I think it was a very smart idea. It may have even saved them from some trouble in the future. It was probably a difficult decision for them to make, since it has been a tradition for many years. Being put in the shoes of the girls, I am not for sure how I feel. On one hand, I would be proud of Formula 1 for advocating the movements. On the other hand, being a grid girl, they most likely decided to do that. I would probably be a little disappointed to be losing my job. But overall, I like this idea.